Certification Map

For Professionals

There are 4 levels of Floortime certification. Levels 1 and 2 must be done together. We have separated the two levels to give professionals a temporary Level 1 certification allowing them to practice Greenspan Floortime and receive ongoing supervision.

Dr. Stanley Greenspan believed strongly that Greenspan Floortime could not be learned purely by listening to lectures and only getting feedback on how to use it with one single case or child. He felt that truly learning how to do Greenspan Floortime required understanding how to apply the principles across a broad range of children at many different developmental milestones and ages. As a result, you’ll see the two options for training, a 6-video submission option (plus in-person hands-on training) or a 12-video submissions option to learn Greenspan Floortime. The new training system is focused on learning to apply Greenspan Floortime and is feedback intensive.

Requirements for Applying for Certification

  • Be 18 years or over.
  • Be proficient in English (reading, listening, and speaking).
  • Have worked in child development for at least two years. Acceptable experience includes working at a school, clinic, or hospital with children with developmental challenges. Self-employed individuals can only apply if they are a licensed professional.
  • Have attended the two-day introductory training course given by Jake Greenspan and Tim Bleecker within the past two years or passed the Professional Course.
  • Used the online Floortime Manual.
  • Have detailed knowledge of the 6 basic and 3 advanced milestones.
  • Submit an application, resume, and essay to be considered for this training. A follow-up phone interview with one of the directors may be part of the process.


  • Level 100: 
  • Level 200: $600  There is an additional $300 fee per person if training is done at your location.
  • Level 201: $600
  • Level 300: $1,500 ($900 for interactive training, $600 for on-going conference calls)
  • Level 400: $1,500 ($900 for interactive training, $600 for on-going conference calls)

Certification Tracks

There are two certification tracks available for completing the first two certification levels: Traditional or Experienced. We recommend the Traditional Track even for those with some experience in Floortime Therapy. An individual who has been to Floortime conferences, completed readings on Floortime, and applied the Floortime principles in work with children should still begin with Level 1.


Speech and Language Pathologist Application

Occupational Therapist Application

Educator Application

Mental Health Professional Application


All participants will be asked to sign a contract before participating in the intensive training.

Traditional Track

Level 1 Provisional (Temporary) Certification

Graduation from Level 1 gives the trainee a provisional license for one year that allows them to provide Greenspan Floortime® Services. It permits trainees to use The Greenspan Floortime Approach® as a provisional description referring to services they provide to children, including the use of the trademark as a descriptor of the services and as a credential they have earned from completing the Level 1 training. This is only a provisional license, and Level 1 graduates must begin Level 2 training within one year of receiving the provisional license to maintain it.

There are three options for completing Level 1. Please pick the one that best fits your availability.

Option 1

Train at The Floortime Center


2 days of hands-on training and observation at The Floortime Center in Bethesda, MD. Schedule your trip by contacting 301-657-1130.

Option 2

Video Submission


Submit 6 Greenspan Floortime video submissions of 4 different children with feedback and discussion.

Option 3

On-Site Training

(Not at The Floortime Center)


Attend a one to two day hands-on training hosted by an organization other than The Floortime Center. Jake or Tim of the Floortime Center must provide this training.

Level 2 Certification

Graduation from Level 2 permits the trainee to be a non-provisional practitioner of The Greenspan Floortime Approach®. **This does not permit trainees to coach parents or professionals with a child.

Level 2 Video Submissions

6 Greenspan Floortime Video Submissions (of 4 different children)


Each video must be 10 minutes of a trainee doing Greenspan Floortime with a child.

3 videos will be reviewed and provided feedback via audio clips, or discussed during calls with a lead Greenspan Floortime therapist in your field. Feedback calls with Jake Greenspan or Tim Bleecker may also be necessary if sufficient progress is not being shown as your videos progress.

Experienced Track

The Experienced Track is for individuals who have had extensive supervision in the Floortime model. Individuals on the Experienced Track can bypass most of Level 2 certification training. 

To qualify for the Experienced Track, an individual must submit videos of two different cases that will be graded by an evaluator who is trained in The Greenspan Floortime Approach®. (To prevent a conflict of interest, the evaluators will not be the directors.) After reviewing the videos it will be determined if the individual is ready for the Experienced Track and then how many hours of training are needed to graduate Level 2. Depending on the quality of the videos an individual may be required to do between 2 to 6 hours of additional training.

The training for the Experienced Track is done in groups of 3 to 4 participants. If you are not applying with a group, you may have to wait until there are enough individuals to create a small group. There is a non-refundable charge of $75 to apply for the Experienced Track. Contact the Floortime Center directors if you are interested in this track.

Level 3 Certification

Level 3 training is similar to requirements for level 2 training, including Interactive training and video/conference calls.

Graduation from Level 3 permits trainees to coach parents and professionals in The Greenspan Floortime Approach® during their sessions with families.

Level 4 Certification

Level 4 training is similar to requirements for level 3 training, including Interactive training and video/conference calls.

Graduation from Level 4 permits trainees to give educational lectures on The Greenspan Floortime Approach®.

Study Questions

  1. What is the Greenspan/DIR model?
    1. An intervention that follows a chronological order to teach skills.
    2. Something you do to mitigate affective experiences available to children.
    3. Teaching a behavior to address a specific symptom a child displays.
    4. A model used to identify a child’s social-emotional strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Which is NOT a part of the Greenspan approach?
    1. Relating within meaningful, positive relationships
    2. Communication across all therapeutic curriculums
    3. Teaching a child an outcome, what to say, and what to do
    4. Encouraging a child to do the thinking
  3. The Greenspan approach is a parent-_____ approach and a therapist-____ approach.
    1. supported; centered
    2. centered; supported
    3. supported; directed
    4. advocated; centered