Research Articles on the Efficacy of Floortime
Floortime is evidence-based and supported by strong research. These research results show evidence supporting improvement in the core issues in autism through Floortime (or developmental interventions based on Floortime).
- Measuring and supporting language function for children with autism: evidence from a randomized control trial of a social-interaction-based therapy.
Casenhiser DM, Binns A, McGill F, Morderer O, Shanker SG. (2015)
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2015 Mar; 45(3):846-57.
Abstract: - Home-based DIR Floortime Intervention Program for preschool children with autism spectrum disorders: Preliminary findings.
Liao S. et al. ( 2014)
Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, November, 34(4), pp. 356-367
Abstract: - PLAY Project Home Consultation Intervention Program for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Solomon R, Van Egeren L, Mahoney G, Quon-Huber M, Zimmerman P. (2014)
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 35(8): 475-485.
Abstract: - A one-year prospective follow-up study of a DIR/Floortime parent training intervention for pre-school children with autistic spectrum disorders.
Kingkaew Pajareya and Kaewta Nopmaneejumruslers (2012)
Journal of the Medical Assocociation of Thailand, 2012 Sep; 95 (9); 1184-93
Abstract: - A pilot randomized controlled trial of DIR/Floortime parent training intervention for pre‐school children with autistic spectrum disorders.
Kingkaew Pajareya and Kaewta Nopmaneejumruslers (2011)
Autism 2011 Sep, 15(5) 563-77
Abstract: - Floor time play with a child with autism: a single-subject study.
Dionne M. and Martini, R. (2011)
Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2011 Jun;78(3):196-203.
Abstract: - Learning Through Interaction in Children With Autism: Preliminary Data From a Social‐ Communication‐Based Intervention.
Devin M. Casenhiser, Stuart G. Shanker and Jim Stieben (2011)
Autism, 2013 Mar, 17 (2) 220-41
Abstract: - Pilot study of a parent training program for young children with autism: The P.L.A.Y. Project Home Consultation program.
Solomon, R., J. Necheles, C. Ferch, and D. Bruckman (2007)
Autism, 2007, Vol 11 ( 3) 205-224.
Abstract: - The Scottish Centre for Autism Preschool Treatment Programme II: The Results of a Controlled Treatment Outcome Study.
J. Salt, J. Shemilt, et al., (2002)
Autism, March 2002, Vol 6 (1) 33-46.
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