Certification Requirements

You must complete these two prerequisites to apply

  1. Either a two-day lecture by the directors of The Floortime Center or The Greenspan Floortime Approach® Online Professional course and Mastery Test

  2. and The Floortime Manual-online

All applicants must,

-Be 18 years or over.

-Be proficient in English (Reading, Listening and Speaking).

-Have worked in child development for at least two years. Acceptable experience includes working at a school, clinic, or hospital with children with developmental challenges. (Self-employed individuals can only apply if they are a licensed professional).

-Have attended a 1-2 day introductory course given by Jake Greenspan and Tim Bleecker within the last two years, or passed the Mastery Test for Dr. Greenspan’s Online Professional Course

-Have a detailed knowledge of the 6 basic and 3 advanced developmental milestones.

-Submit an up to date CV/Resume (make sure to include all professional certifications and training)