Greenspan Social-Emotional

Dr. Greenspan determined that it was our emotional health and relationships that drive our behavior, thinking and communication. Because so many professionals focus on surface behaviors and symptoms, never addressing the core components of a child’s emotional and cognitive health, he wanted to make his work available for all children.  To encourage the integration of his ideas into society he challenged the community to start organizations using his philosophy and techniques.  Golnar Abedine Ph.D., the founder and former Executive Director of Creative Minds International Public Charter School in Washington DC and Jake Greenspan, the director of The Floortime Center, took that challenge and started Creative Minds International Public Charter School. 

Jake Greenspan’s contribution to the charter was Greenspan Social-Emotional™, a social-emotional curriculum based on Dr. Greenspan’s philosophy and techniques.  While Creative Minds has changed its mission, it was the only public school to try to fully integrate Dr. Greenspan’s work, and make it available for all students with and without IEP’s.  during it first 5 years, when it was a smaller school, the social-emotional outcomes for some of the most challenging children surprised both teachers sand parents.  

is a series of materials and products to help people access the various teachings of Dr. Greenspan.  These materials and products aim to support individuals working on the “higher milestones” in school and at home.  People of all ages, with and without diagnoses, can benefit from this work.  

Please read this article from Dr. Greenspan summarizing the importance of Social-Emotional Health and School Readiness.

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A game of meaningful conversations, building relationships, and higher-level thinking.

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  • Helping the Whole Child: How to improve Self-Control and Behavior by Strengthening Communication and Emotional Health

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