Evidence-based Research

Floortime is an evidence-based intervention. Research demonstrates that it strengthens fundamental communication and relationship abilities for children with autism and other special needs. These improvements in the core deficits occur because of Floortime’s foundation in child development.

Research Example

A little boy: wandering, running, spinning, very few words, little ability to play, and diagnosed with autism at 2 ½. At 3 ½, with support in a community program, he still didn’t interact much.

Participation in a single subject research study introduced the family to Floortime: four 45-minute sessions/week of Floortime for 7 weeks and a few short family sessions at home daily. The results?

After only 7 weeks of Floortime training, the child’s communications were more spontaneous; his playtime more pleasurable, both initiating it and inventing new games; and everyone’s stress lessened. The increase in interaction was highly statistically significant. His mother said, “It warms the heart to see my child with glee in his eye.”

(Dionne M. and Martini R., “Floortime Play with a child with autism: A single-subject study,” Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, June 2011 78(3), 196-203.)

Floortime Research

These links provide research on both the efficacy of Floortime and developmental interventions in general. See Research References and the Canadian Broadcasting Company National News Video, The Power of Play.

Publications by Dr. Stanley Greenspan

Dr. Greenspan was the author of over 100 scholarly articles and chapters and author or editor of over forty books, translated into more than a dozen languages. His research has been featured in all the major media, including NewsweekTime Magazine, The Washington PostThe New York Times, ABC, NBC, and CBS news broadcasts, and the subject of a PBS NOVA documentary, “Life’s First Feelings.”

Some of his books are:

  1. The Learning Tree
  2. Engaging Autism
  3. Overcoming ADHD
  4. The Challenging Child
  5. Playground Politics
  6. Great Kids
  7. Building Healthy Minds
  8. The Secure Child
  9. Overcoming Anxiety, Depression and other Mental Health Disorders in Children and Adults
  10. Respecting Autism
  11. The Child with Special Needs
  12. The First Idea
  13. The Growth of the Mind

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