Dr. Greenspan always believed that The Greenspan Floortime Approach® was most effective when it was used comprehensively as part of a child’s program, not as a single individualized invention 1-2 times a week. A team of therapists and professionals including caregivers, siblings, nannies, babysitters, educators, and licensed therapist should all be using these principles and techniques to encourage the most comprehensive and rapid growth for a child. After seeing the effectiveness of the comprehensive programs at The Floortime Center®, The Greenspan Floortime Approach® is offering a new certificate program focusing on training groups of professionals that operate together within one organization, center, or clinic. Training and support will be provided by one of the founders and directors of The Floortime Center, Jake Greenspan or Tim Bleecker. Learning Greenspan Floortime™ is only one part of creating a comprehensive and effective program.
To become a Greenspan Floortime® Organization you must be able to offer families Greenspan Floortime trained Occupational Therapists (or the international equivalence of OT’s), Speech and Language Pathologists, and parent educators/coaches. Educators, shadows/aids, and other “Floortimer” type professionals are also important parts of a child’s program and are helpful to have trained and available.
If you would like to become a Greenspan Floortime™ Organization and would like to train a number of your staff, then please fill out the application. We will review it, let you know if you’ve been accepted, and outline the best training options for your team.
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