Level 100 and 200 Permissions:
(You will not graduate if you don’t integrate the video feedback you’re given)
Once each trainee has,
-completed the intensive training,
-and their videos have all been approved,
Then they will have permission to use The Greenspan Floortime Approach® trademark to support the work they do directly with children.
*This part of the training does not grant attendees or graduates permission to coach parents or therapists under The Greenspan Floortime Approach®.
*This part of the training does not grant attendees or graduates permission to teach parents or therapist The Greenspan Floortime Approach® in lectures or other mediums.
Level 300 Permissions:
Once each trainee has,
-completed the intensive training,
-and their videos have all been approved,
Then they will have permission to use The Greenspan Floortime Approach® trademark to support the work they do directly with children as an Avdanced Practicioner, or as a Parent and Professional Coach..
*This part of the training does not grant attendees or graduates permission to teach parents or therapist The Greenspan Floortime Approach® in lectures or other mediums.
Level 400 Permissions:
Once each trainee has,
-completed the intensive training,
-and their videos have all been approved,
Then they will have permission to use The Greenspan Floortime Approach® trademark to provide educational lectures describing Dr. Greenspan’s Greenspan/DIR Model and The Greenspan Floortime Approach® the work they do directly with children. Prior to being given, these lectures must be approved in writing by Stanley Greenspan MD Inc.
** The Greenspan Floortime Approach® trademark is property of Stanley Greenspan Inc., and the authority to use it is solely provided by Stanley Greenspan Inc.
**The Floortime Center® trademark is property of The Floortime Center LLC., and the authority to use it is solely provided by The Floortime Center LLC.
Level 100 and 200 Permissions:
(You will not graduate if you don’t integrate the video feedback you’re given)
Once each trainee has,
-completed the intensive training,
-and their videos have all been approved,
Then they will have permission to use The Greenspan Floortime Approach® trademark to support the work they do directly with children.
*This part of the training does not grant attendees or graduates permission to coach parents or therapists under The Greenspan Floortime Approach®.
*This part of the training does not grant attendees or graduates permission to teach parents or therapist The Greenspan Floortime Approach® in lectures or other mediums.
Level 300 Permissions:
Once each trainee has,
-completed the intensive training,
-and their videos have all been approved,
Then they will have permission to use The Greenspan Floortime Approach® trademark to support the work they do directly with children as an Avdanced Practicioner, or as a Parent and Professional Coach..
*This part of the training does not grant attendees or graduates permission to teach parents or therapist The Greenspan Floortime Approach® in lectures or other mediums.
Level 400 Permissions:
Once each trainee has,
-completed the intensive training,
-and their videos have all been approved,
Then they will have permission to use The Greenspan Floortime Approach® trademark to provide educational lectures describing Dr. Greenspan’s Greenspan/DIR Model and The Greenspan Floortime Approach® the work they do directly with children. Prior to being given, these lectures must be approved in writing by Stanley Greenspan MD Inc.
** The Greenspan Floortime Approach® trademark is property of Stanley Greenspan Inc., and the authority to use it is solely provided by Stanley Greenspan Inc.
**The Floortime Center® trademark is property of The Floortime Center LLC., and the authority to use it is solely provided by The Floortime Center LLC.
If at any time Stanley Greenspan MD Inc. or The Floortime Center LLC determines that,
-the trademark(s) are being used inappropriately
-the practicioner or organization is misrepresenting the approach
-the practitioner or organization is behaving in a manner inconsistent with the message and views of Stanley Greenspan MD Inc.
Then the professional or organization may have their license to use the trademark(s) suspended or revoked.
Financial Penalities may also be issued to cover administrative time and legal fees.
Learn More. Stay Current.

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Discover Your Child’s Learning Style
Sign up here to receive your FREE Guide to how your child learns. The Guide includes a short assessment tool for your child’s learning style.
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Listen to Dr. Greenspan
Listen to short audio clips from Dr. Greenspan about Autism and other topics on child development, such as behavior, diagnosis and interventions.
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If at any time Stanley Greenspan Inc. or The Floortime Center LLC determines that,
-the trademarks are being used inappropriately
-the practicioner or organization is misrepresenting the approach
-the practitioner or organization is behaving in a manner inconsistent with the message and views of Stanley Greenspan MD Inc.
Then the professional or organization may have their license to use the trademark(s) suspended or revoked.
Financial Penalities may also be issued to cover administrative time and leagl fees.
Learn More. Stay Current.

FREE Newsletter
Explore Useful Floortime Topics
Sign up for our Newsletter, The Floor Times. Previous Newsletters are available to read on the ‘Resources’ page under ‘Floortime Thoughts.’

FREE Guide
Discover Your Child’s Learning Style
Sign up here to receive your FREE Guide to how your child learns. The Guide includes a short assessment tool for your child’s learning style.
Sign Up

FREE Advice
Listen to Dr. Greenspan
Listen to short audio clips from Dr. Greenspan about Autism and other topics on child development, such as behavior, diagnosis and interventions.
Go to Advice