The Floortime Manual™ Ebook & online
Become a Floortimer with The Floortime Manual 2nd Edition
The Floortime Manual 2nd Edition downloadable ebook (pdf, mobi, epub) includes the original manual plus 150 pages of additional content. Greenspan Floortime is not one-size fits all, and to successfully implement it, caregivers and professionals need to learn to THINK like Dr. Greenspan. This 2nd Edition breaks down the most important and actionable concepts driving Dr. Greensapn’s framework helping professionals and caregivers make decisions like Dr. Greenspan. Start doing Greenspan Floortime today. Download and Get Ready to Play!
The Floortime Manual 2nd edition- ebook
Key Enhancements and Features
- Updated Floortime Techniques: Incorporates the latest research and advancements in child development and Floortime practice, providing refined and expanded principles and techniques.
- Updated Research and Insights: Integrates cutting-edge findings in child development and neuroscience, further establishing the evidence-based foundation of the Floortime approach.
- Enhanced Guidance for Diverse Needs: Offers more comprehensive guidance on tailoring Floortime to meet the unique needs of children with a broader spectrum of developmental challenges, learning differences, and sensory profiles.
- Expanded Practical Examples: Presents a greater variety of real-life scenarios and case studies to illuminate the application of Floortime principles in different situations and environments.
- Multimedia Resources: Includes numerous QR codes linking to brief videos and audio clips featuring Dr. Greenspan and Jake Greenspan, reinforcing key concepts within the manual. Additionally, a self-assessment tool is included to facilitate learning and effective implementation.
Start Doing Greenspan Floortime Today. Download and Get Ready to Play!
The Floortime Manual from The Floortime Center on Vimeo.
The Origional Version
- Detailed system for implementing Greenspan Floortime
- In-depth descriptions of different Sensory Profiles of children
- In-depth descriptions of the three types of play
- Different Greenspan Floortime Techniques based on Sensory Profile
- Examples of Different types of activities when different techniques are to be used
- Greenspan Floortime Cheat Sheet – Principles to always remember
- Yours to keep
The Floortime Manual Online is interactive and online 24/7. Short video segments of Floortime sessions identify the main steps. You can check your understanding through Practice evaluations of the video sessions. Audio clips by Dr. Greenspan further explain the techniques and offer insights for doing Floortime with children who are avoidant, aimless, revved up, rigid, aggressive, passive, self-stimulatory, repetitive, or inattentive. Clear directions help you organize a Floortime session. It takes about 2 hours to go through one type of play. You also can go through the two other types of play, find out what to do for difficult behaviors, and check out the resources. Your knowledge will let you decide how best to provide what a child needs.
The Floortime Manual – Online
- Interactive guide to Greenspan Floortime
- Video demonstration of basic steps to Greenspan Floortime
- Video examples of three types of play
- Examples of specific Greenspan Floortime techniques
- Audio tapes with Dr. Greenspan’s explanations
- Practice evaluations of Greenspan Floortime sessions
- Extensive troubleshooting section for children’s problems in session.
- 24/7 access for 30 or 90 days from your registration date
- Instructions for setting up a Greenspan Floortime session
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