A partial list of works by Stanley I Greenspan, M.D.
- 1975. A Consideration of Some Learning Variables in the Context of Psychoanalytic Theory Towards a Psychoanalytic Learning Perspective. International Universities Press.
- 1980. Intelligence and Adaptation: An Integration of Psychoanalytic and Piagetian Developmental Psychology. International Universities Press.
- 1981. Psychopathology and Adaptation in Infancy and Early Childhood: Principles of Clinical Diagnosis and Preventive Intervention. International Universities Press.
- 1985. First Feelings: Milestones in the Emotional Development of Your Infant and Child from Birth to Age 4 with Nancy Thorndike Greenspan. Viking Press.
- 1987. Infants in Multirisk Families. Greenspan et al. (Ed.) International Universities Press.
- 1989. The Course of Life Vols. 1-5 with George H. Pollock. International Universities Press.
- 1989. The Development of the Ego: Implications for Personality Theory, Psychopathology, and the Psychotherapeutic Process. International Universities Press.
- 1989. The Essential Partnership: How Parents and Children Can Meet the Emotional Challenges of Infancy and Childhood with Nancy Thorndike Greenspan. Viking Penguin.
- 1992. Infancy and Early Childhood: The Practice of Clinical Assessment and Intervention with Emotional and Developmental Challenges. Madison, CT: International Universities Press.
- 1993. Playground Politics: The Emotional Development of your School-Aged Child with Jacqui Salmon. Perseus Books.
- 1995. The Challenging Child: Understanding, Raising, and Enjoying the Five “Difficult” Types of Children with Jacqui Salmon. Perseus Books.
- 1997. The Child with Special Needs: Encouraging Intellectual and Emotional Growth with Serena Wieder. Perseus Books.
- 1997. The Growth of the Mind and the Endangered Origins of Intelligence with Beryl Benderly. Perseus Books.
- 1997. Developmentally Based Psychotherapy. International Universities Press.
- 1999. Building Healthy Minds: The Six Experiences that Create Intelligence and Emotional Growth in Babies and Young Children with Nancy Breslau Lewis.
- 2000. The Irreducible Needs of Children: What Every Child Must have to Grow, Learn, and Flourish with T.B. Brazelton. Perseus Books.
- 2001. The Four Thirds Solution: Solving the Childcare Crisis in America Today with Jacqueline Salmon. Perseus Books.
- 2002. Bipolar Patterns in Children: New Perspectives on Developmental Pathways and a Comprehensive Approach to Prevention and Treatment with Ira Glovinsky. ICDL.
- 2002. The Secure Child: Helping Our Children Feel Safe and Confident in a Changing World. Perseus Books.
- 2003. Engaging Autism: The Floortime Approach to Helping Children Relate, Communicate and Think with Serena Wieder. Perseus Books.
- 2003. The Functional Emotional Assessment Scale (FEAS) for Infancy and Early Childhood: Clinical and Research Applications with Georgia DeGangi and Serena Wieder. ICDL.
- 2003. The Clinical Interview of the Child. 3rd edition, with Nancy Thorndike Greenspan. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
- 2004. The Greenspan Social Emotional Growth Chart: A Screening Questionnaire for Infants and Young Children. Harcourt Assessment, PsychCorp.
- 2004. The First Idea: How Symbols, Language, and Intelligence Evolved from Early Primates to Modern Humans with Stuart Shanker. Da Capo Press.
- 2005. The Affect-Based Learning Cirriculum (ABLC) with Diane Lewis. ICDL.
- 2006. Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health with Serena Wieder. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
- 2006. Children and Babies with Mood Swings: New Insights for Parents and Professionals with Cindy Glovinsky and Ira Glovinsky. ICDL.
- 2007. Great Kids: Helping Your Baby and Child Develop the Ten Essential Qualities for a Healthy, Happy Life. Da Capo Press.
- 2009. Overcoming ADHD: Helping Your Child Become Calm, Engaged, and Focused – Without a Pill with Jacob Greenspan.
- 2009. Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, and Other Mental Health Disorders in Children and Adults: A New Roadmap for Families and Professionals. ICDL.
- 2010. The Learning Tree: Overcoming Learning Disabilities From the Ground Up with Nancy Thorndike Greenspan. Da Capo Press.
- 2011. “Respecting Autism: The Rebecca School DIR Casebook for Parents and Professionals” with Gil Tippy.
Journal Articles:
- Greenspan, S.I. Leaving the kibbutz: An identity conflict. Psychiatry, 35(3):291-304, 1972.
- Greenspan, S.I. Joining aspects of psychodynamic and operant learning theories. International Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 1(4):26-49, 1972.
- Greenspan, S.I. Instrumental learning analysis in a psychodynamically-oriented treatment setting. International Journal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 2(4):478-501, 1973.
- Greenspan, S.I. and Bates, M.J.E. Early diagnosis of psychiatric disorders in adolescents. Clinical Proceedings, Children’s Hospital National Medical Center, 24, No. 6, June 1973, abstracted in Psychiatry Digest.
- Greenspan, S.I. and Cullander, C.C.H. A systematic metapsychological assessment of the personality: Its application to the problem of analyzability. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 21(2):303-327, 1973.
- Greenspan, S.I. The clinical use of operant learning techniques: Some complex issues. American Journal of Psychiatry, 131(8):852-857, 1974.
- Allen, M.G., Cohen, S., Pollin, W., and Greenspan, S.I. Affective illness in the NAS-NRC registry of 15,909 veteran twin pairs. American Journal of Psychiatry, 131(11):1234-1239, 1974.
- Greenspan, S.I. and Cullander, C.C.H. A systematic metapsychological assessment of the course of an analysis. Journal of American Psychoanalytic Association, 23(1):107-138, 1975.
- Greenspan, S.I., Hatleberg, J.L., and Cullander, C.C.H. A systematic metapsychological assessment of the personality in childhood. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 24(4):875-903, 1976. Cited and summarized in Yearbook of Psychiatry and Applied Mental Health, 1978.
- Greenspan, S.I., Nover, R.A., and Brunt, C.H. The child psychiatrist and day care: Theoretical and clinical aspects of consultation. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 15(1):108-130, 1976.
- Allen, M.G., Greenspan, S.I., and Pollin, W. The effect of parental perceptions on early development in twins. Psychiatry 39(1):65-71, 1976.
- Mann, H.B. and Greenspan, S.I. The identification and treatment of adult brain dysfunction. American Journal of Psychiatry, 133(9):1013-1017, 1976.
- Mannino, F.V. and Greenspan, S.I. Projection and misperception in couples treatment. Journal of Marriage and Family Counseling, 2(2):139-143, 1976.
- Greenspan, S.I. The oedipal/pre-oedipal dilemma: A reformulation according to object relations theory. International Review of Psychoanalysis, 4:381-391, 1977.
- Greenspan, S.I., Silver, B., and Allen, M.G. A psychodynamically-oriented group training program for early childhood caregivers. American Journal of Psychiatry, 134(10):1104-1108, 1977.
- Cullander, C.C.H. and Greenspan, S.I. A systematic metapsychological assessment of the phases of a completed analysis. Journal of the Philadelphia Association for Psychoanalysis, 4(2&3):109-145, 1977.
- Greenspan, S.I. Analysis of a 5 1/2-year-old girl: Indications for a dyadic-phallic phase of development. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 28(3):575-603, 1980.
- Silver, B.J. and Greenspan, S.I. Personality characteristics of family day care mothers. Journal of Community Psychology, 8(3):266-271, 1980.
- Greenspan, S.I. and Lourie, R.S. Developmental structuralist approach to the classification of adaptive and pathologic personality organizations: Application to infancy and early childhood. American Journal of Psychiatry, 138:6, June 1981.
- Greenspan, S.I. and Sharfstein, S.S. The efficacy of psychotherapy: Asking the right questions. Archives of General Psychiatry, 38(11):1213-1219, 1981.
- Greenspan, S.I. Infant developmental morbidity and multiple risk factor families: Clinical impressions and an approach to services. Public Health Reports, January 1982.
- Greenspan, S.I. Three levels of learning: A developmental approach to “awareness” and mind-body relationships. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 1(4):659-694, 1982.
- Hofheimer, J.A., Poisson, S.S., Strauss, M.E., Eyler, F.D., and Greenspan, S.I. Perinatal and behavioral characteristics of neonates born to multi-risk families. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 4(3), 1983
- Wieder, S., Jasnow, M., Greenspan, S.I., and Strauss, M. Identifying the multi-risk family prenatally: Antecedent psychosocial factors and infant developmental trends. Infant Mental Health Journal, 165-201, 1983.
- Greenspan, S.I., Nover, R.A., and Scheuer, A.Q. A developmental diagnostic approach for infants, young children, and their families. Early Child Development Care, 16(1&2):85-148. London, England: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1984.
- Greenspan, S.I. and Porges, S.W. Psychopathology in infancy and early childhood: Clinical perspectives on the organization of sensory and affective-thematic experience. Child Development, 55(1):49-70, 1984.
- Greenspan, S.I. and Wieder, S. Dimensions and levels of the therapeutic process. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice, 21(1):5-23, 1984.
- Nover, A., Shore, M., Timberlake, E., and Greenspan, S.I. The relationship of maternal perception and maternal behavior: A study of normal mothers and their infants. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, April 1984.
- Grupe, W., Greifer, I., Greenspan, S., Leavitt, L., and Wolff, G. Psychosocial development in children with chronic renal insufficiency. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 8(4): 324-328, 1986.
- Sameroff, A., Seifer, R., Barocas, R., Zax, M., and Greenspan, S.I. IQ scores of 4-year-old children: Social-environmental risk factors. Pediatrics, 1986.
- Klein, P.S., Wieder, S., Greenspan, S.I. A Theoretical Overview and Empirical Study of Mediated Learning Experience: Prediction of Preschool Performance from Mother-Infant interaction Patterns. Infant Mental Health Journal, 8:2. Summer 1987.
- DeGangi, G. and Greenspan, S.I. The development of sensory functioning in infants. J. of Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 8(4): 21-33. 1988.
- DeGangi, G., Berk, R.A., and Greenspan, S.I. The clinical measurement of sensory functioning in infants: a preliminary study. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 8, 1-23. 1988.
- DeGangi, G. and Greenspan, S.I. The assessment of sensory functioning in infants. J. of Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 9:21-33, 1989.
- DeGangi, G. and Greenspan, S.I. Test of sensory functions in infants. Los Angeles: Western Psychology Services, 1989.
- Klein, P., Wieder, S. and Greenspan, S.I. Prediction from mother-infant interactions of pre-school performance based on mediated learning in infants. Infant Mental Health Journal, 1989.
- Greenspan, S.I. The development of the ego: Insights from clinical work with infants and young children. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 36, Suppl., 3-55, 1988.
- Greenspan, S.I. The development of the ego: Biological and environmental specificity and the psychopathological developmental process. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 37, No. 3, 605-638, 1989.
- Greenspan, S.I. and Lewis, D. Emotional growth in infants and young children with communication challenges. Folia Phoniatrica (International Journal of Phoniatrics, Speech Therapy and Communication Pathology), 42, 251-259, September-October 1990.
- DeGangi, G., Porges, S.W., and Greenspan, S.I. Psychophysiological characteristics of the regulatory disordered infant. Infant Behavior and Development, April 1991.
- Greenspan, S.I. Reconsidering the Diagnosis and Treatment of Very Young Children with Autistic Spectrum or Pervasive Developmental Disorder. Zero to Three/National Center for Clinical Infant Programs. Arlington, VA. Volume 13, No. 2, pp 1-9. October/November 1992.
- DeGangi, G.A., Porges, S.W., Sickel, R.Z, Greenspan, S.I. Four-Year Follow-Up of A Sample of Regulatory Disordered Infants. In: Infant Mental Health Journal, Volume 14, Number 4, pp. 330-343. Winter 1993.
- Greenspan, S.I. The Emotional Development of Infants and Young Children. Pediatric Basics. Number 63. Winter 1993.
- Fomon, S.J., Greenspan, S.I. Pay Attention to Your Baby’s Appetite to Avoid Overfeeding or Underfeeding. (Fomon: Part I; Greenspan: Part II) In: Pediatric Basics, No. 69. Summer 1994.
- Greenspan, S.I. and Wieder, S. (1997). Developmental Patterns and Outcomes in Infants and Children with Disorders in Relating and Communicating: A Chart Review of 200 Cases of Children with Autistic Spectrum Diagnoses. The Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders. 1:87-141.
- Greenspan, S.I. and Wieder, S. (1997). An Integrated Developmental Approach to Interventions for Young Children with Severe Difficulties in Relating and Communicating. ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families, 17(5): 5-18.
- Greenspan, S. I. (1998). Commentary: Guidance for constructing clinical practice guidelines for developmental and learning disorders: Knowledge vs. evidence-based approaches. The Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders, 2(2): 171-192.
- Greenspan, S. I. & Wieder, S. (1999). A functional developmental approach to autism spectrum disorders. Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (JASH), 24 (3); 147-161.
- DeGangi, G. A., Breinbauer, C., Doussard Roosevelt, J., Porges, S., & Greenspan, S. I. (2000). Prediction of Childhood Problems at Three Years in Children Experiencing Disorders of Regulation During Infancy. Infant Mental Health Journal, 2(3): 156-175.
- Greenspan, S.I. (2000). Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Individual Differences, Affect, Interaction, and Outcomes. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 20(5), 675-703.
- Wieder, S. & Greenspan, S. (2001). The DIR (Developmental, Individual-Difference, Relationship-Based) approach to assessment and intervention planning. Bulletin of ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families, 21(4): 11-19.
- Simpson, G., Colpe, L., & Greenspan, S. Measuring functional developmental delay in infants and young children in a national population survey. Submitted for publication in Pediatrics.
- Greenspan, S. & Wieder, S. (2001). Aspergers Syndrome: The Developmental, Individual-Difference, Relationship-Based (DIR) approach to diagnosis and intervention. The Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders, 4 (1): 45-68.
- Greenspan, S. (2001). Commentary: Distinguishing the capacity to engage from the capacity for exchanging affective signals. The Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders, 4 (1): 123-128.
- Shaffer, R. J., Jacokes, L. E., Cassily, J. F., Greenspan, S. I., Tuchman, Robert F., Stemmer, Jr., P. J. (2001). Effect of Interactive Metronome Training on Children with ADHD. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 55 (2); 155-161.
- Greenspan, S. The affect diathesis hypothesis: the role of emotions in core deficit in autism and the development of intelligence and social skills (2002). Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders 5 (1).
- Wieder, S. & Greenspan, S. (2001) The DIR (Developmental, Individual-Difference, Relationship-Based) Approach to Assessment and Intervention Planning. Bulletin of ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families, 21 (4); 11-19.
- Simpson, G. & Greenspan, S. Measuring functional developmental delay in infants and young children in a national population survey Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology.
- Greenspan, S. & Wieder, S. (2005) DIR. The Developmental, Individual Difference, Relationship-based Floortime Model. Autism Asperger Digest. July-August 2005 (1); November-December 2005 (3).
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