• About Floortime

    The Greenspan Floortime Approach is a system developed by the late Dr. Stanley Greenspan. Floortime meets children where they are and builds upon their strengths and abilities through creating a warm relationship and interacting. It challenges them to go further and to develop who they are rather than what their diagnosis says. In Floortime, you…

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  • ASD Children pretend play

    Can autistic children play pretend? Does autism make kids unable to pretend play? Some people think so. Some believe that ASD diagnosed children are incapable of pretend play. Dr. Stanley Greenspan certainly didn’t think so. In fact, the Greenspan Floortime model includes informed and effective play psychotherapy as a key aspect of its therapeutic process….

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  • ASD Level 1, 2, or 3: How should Diagnostic Distinctions Guide Treatment?

    These numbers are often given to describe the degree or level of a child’s challenges on the autism spectrum. While some professionals think that a Level 1 or ‘mild’ diagnosis means a child just needs a little support or a little help to ‘catch up’ and teach them a few missing skills, the truth is…

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  • Autism and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Research

    For both parents and practitioners, it can be hard to make sense of psychological research. This is especially true for research on applied behavior analysis, which is often known simply as ABA, and its effectiveness for helping children diagnosed with autism, which is often abbreviated as ASD for autistic spectrum disorder. The reason for this…

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  • Autism and Tylenol

    Due to class action lawsuits that have been filed, there is tremendous interest, especially by parents, in the relationship of autism and Tylenol. We are not lawyers and have no opinion on lawsuits. That noted, we are experts at treating autism and other developmental delays in children and adults. So, as an aid to parents…

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