The Professional Course

The Professional Course is a comprehensive, 11-hour tutorial featuring Dr. Greenspan’s lectures and coaching examples. It will guide you through Dr. Greenspan’s Greenspan/DIR Model and his Greenspan Floortime, showing you how to successfully understand and work with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental challenges.
- Start learning floortime today!
- Earn ASHA CEU’s: See ASHA disclosures here…
- Earn a Greenspan/DIR Certificate– Register for the New All ACCESS PASS and get the Professional Course and EVERY lecture on the site for one low price. Pass the exams and earn a certificate at no additional cost.
The Professional Course offers:
- Guidance in diagnosing, and treating children with autism and developmental delays, including difficulties with communicating and relating, sensory processing, and challenging behaviors.
- A unique approach to assessments, with an emphasis on constitutional and maturational patterns, developmental delays, sensory processing systems, and family patterns.
- A diagnostic approach that considers the emotional range and constitutional variations in children, and the stages of development.
- Assistance with analyzing development, including motor, affective, sensory, language, and cognitive, and sense of self.
- Treatment strategies including how to create and organize Floortime social groups; how to understand and treat anxiety, depression, and aggression; and how to overcome challenging behaviors.
- Coaching examples with children on the autism spectrum by Dr. Stanley Greenspan.
- An 11-hour course, available 24/7 with on-demand videos to view at your own pace.
- A certificate of mastery upon passing the test.
- A certificate of attendance upon completing the course assessment.
- 1.1 ASHA CEUs, if desired, upon passing the Mastery Test
- Evidence-based Research that supports The Greenspan Floortime Approach (click here)
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