Greenspan Floortime for Parents

Greenspan Floortime has proven highly effective for children on the autism spectrum and those with other developmental delays. With it, you can help your child improve self regulation and build relationships, while strengthening communication and thinking. By providing a ‘lens’ to help you understand your child’s needs, challenges, and strengths, Dr. Greenspan’s version of Floortime targets a child’s developmental needs and provides a system of techniques and principles to ensure a child’s progress. Only at The Greenspan Floortime Approach® can you learn Dr. Greenspan’s version of Floortime and see how he helped thousands of children.


How to Learn Greenspan Floortime

Our site has many learning opportunities for you. We welcome you to explore. Here’s our recommendation for helping children grow:  Begin with our Free Parent Course and Free Assessment.  Then learn The Greenspan Floortime Approach® from Dr Greenspan himself with the only version of Floortime he developed!

The Floortime Manual™ Online & Print

When watching Dr. Greenspan’s Floortime sessions, you see children begin to relate, communicate, develop self- control and think. The Floortime Manual-Online and The Floortime Manual-Print help you see what children need and what you can do. The essential steps and techniques of Floortime become yours.

How does Greenspan Floortime help children?


It strengthens processing abilities. Less overwhelmed and more tuned in, a child can improve relationships. It's easier to be good.


It draws children into an exciting, emotional world. Learning to communicate and interact with purpose, they can have impact on the world.


It is built on a renowned model of how we learn to think. It shores up a child's primary thinking skills. They can learn to think on their own.


Its basis is emotions. Emotions create the desire to interact because they create the desire to be close. Children can become related and engaged.

FREE Assessment Tools

Knowing your child’s profile—whether a child needs a calm and patient “tortoise” parent or an energized and animated “hare” parent to engage them—is critically important. Learn about your child's profile.

FREE Parent Course

Sign up to learn from our FREE one-hour intro to Greenspan Floortime. A viewer wrote: "Powerfully illuminating--and so helpful to see it and hear it directly from Dr. Greenspan." (Bookmark it.)

Find a Therapist

Click here to find a Greenspan Floortime Approach Certified Therapist in your area. More therapists are being certified all the time so please check back if no one is in your area.

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FREE Newsletter

Explore Useful Floortime Topics Sign up for our Newsletter, The Floor Times. Previous Newsletters are available to read on the 'Resources' page under 'Floortime Thoughts.'


FREE Guide

Discover Your Child’s Learning Style Sign up here to receive your FREE Guide to how your child learns. The Guide includes a short assessment tool for your child's learning style. Sign Up


FREE Advice

Listen to Dr. Greenspan Listen to short audio clips from Dr. Greenspan about Autism and other topics on child development, such as behavior, diagnosis and interventions. Go to Advice